Migration Governance

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) assists Papua New Guinean authorities in creating the legislative framework, administrative structures, operational systems and the human resource base necessary to respond effectively to diverse migration challenges and to institute appropriate migration governance. With an international network and worldwide experience IOM is able to provide analytical reports and advice on the development and amendment of legislative acts related to migration management and border management that are aligned to recognized international standards. IOM continues to provide advice, quality assurance and training to the PNG Immigration and Citizenship Service Authority and PNG Customs Services to improve migration and border management through support in capacity building, advancing IT capabilities and enhanced legislative framework. (Partners - Immigration & Citizenship Authority and Papua New Guinea Customs)

Counter-Smuggling in Human Beings

Working within the migration governance framework and humanitarian border management concept, IOM is assisting the PNG Government to strengthen the capacity of national border protection institutions to effectively combat people smuggling on its land and maritime borders. IOM’s programme adopts a multi-dimensional approach focused on obtaining information on the situation of people smuggling along the country’s borders, contributing to evidence-based policy making, and developing and delivering training to front line border officials on how to identify and handle people smuggling.