
IOM advises Papua New Guinea on new migration legislation

Papua New Guinea - A full review of Papua New Guinea’s migration legislation, which has been assisted by IOM, will shortly be unveiled. The process is designed to assist large businesses, such as the massive liquid natural gas project, as well as small and medium enterprises which need flexible immigration processes.

Foreign Affairs Minister Rimbink Paton noted that “the current act and regulations, which have been in force since the late 70s, are outdated and need revision. We need legislation for the 21st century and beyond. PNG’s new migration legislation will meet these demands whilst connecting PNG with the rest of the world.”

“This is a big development for Papua New Guinea”, noted IOM’s Chief of Mission, George Gigauri. “Our hope is that the pace of growth in the economy will lead to a rise in living standards across the board, and stabilise communities by contributing to better services and more equality of opportunity.”

The legislation review project and IOM’s participation is funded by the Australian Department of Immigration and Border Protection.



Papua New Guinea is a nation of eight million people, the vast majority of whom live in remote villages where services are extremely limited. It is beset by local conflicts and natural disasters but is rich in natural resources and currently has the world’s sixth fastest-growing economy. IOM hopes that by contributing to community stability, through its successful community-based disaster risk management programme, investment from industry can help communities develop and reduce the risks associated with internal and international migration.     

For more information please contact

George Gigauri
IOM Papua New Guinea

SDG 16 - Peace Justice and Strong Institutions