By: IOM Papua New Guinea

IOM in partnership with National Disaster Centre (NDC), and with technical support of PNG Red Cross Society providing Training of Trainers.

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) in partnership with National Disaster Centre (NDC), and with technical support of PNG Red Cross Society (PNGRCS) kicked off delivery of a national Training of Trainer (ToT) on Community-Based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM) and Build Back Safer (BBS) in Shelter Construction. 

Funded by USAID's Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (USAID-BHA) and delivered in Port Moresby from 06-10 September 2021, the training has attracted 26 participants (24M, 2F) from 20 Provincial Governments, Bougainville Disaster and Climate Change Office, and the NDC.

The ToT was welcomed by Colonel Carl Wrakonei, Director for the NDC. "I am grateful to the support of the UN and partner stakeholders in strengthening disaster risk management efforts in the country. The NDC appreciates IOM's efforts in organizing this training that has brought together Provincial Disaster Coordinators from across PNG," he said.

Mr. Dirk Wagener, UN Resident Coordinator a.i. emphasised the need for strengthened coordination among disaster risk management actors and climate change adaptation agencies in his remarks at the training. IOM PNG Chief of Mission, Mr. Lance Bonneau highlighted that “IOM’s CBDRM work in the country not only seeks to establish early warning systems and implement measures to mitigate risks to disasters induced by natural hazards but also to promote participatory community led development aimed at building resilience in line with the UN principle of ‘leaving no one behind.”

Provincial Disaster Coordinators participating in the IOM facilitated training. Photo: © IOM Papua New Guinea

Implemented under IOM's USAID-BHA funded project, "Reduction of economic and human loss and displacement by natural disasters through community-based resilience building and the capacity building of the Government at all levels in Papua New Guinea," the ToT will equip participants with the knowledge and skills to replicate the CBDRM and BBS training in the target provinces. Also, the training will strengthen community resilience to disasters induced by natural hazards including advancing the implementation of PNG's National Disaster Risk Reduction Framework (2017-2030).

SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities
SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals